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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell With Liz Claman  FOX Business  April 25, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm EDT

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it. will get you from here. liz: look, 21.0001 here. we've got four major stories developing in this hour. tax reform, attempts to avoid a government shut down, the first weapons fired in the trade war with canada along with the diary situation and the markets rallying more than 1% for the second day in a row. new tax reform details and great earnings from some of the biggest names in your portfolio, look on your screen. the dow crossing 21,000, just holding still by one point at this moment. the nasdaq above 6,000 for the first time ever. and the russell 2,000 coming along for the record ride.
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moments ago, white house press secretary sean spicer playing coy with president trump tomorrow on tax reform saying only he's got a great plan for you to see and that the president plans to do everything he can to make america more competitive. capitol hill in the last 15 minutes, we're hearing senate majority leader mitch mcconnell sounded optimistic about reaching an agreement on funding the government to avoid a shutdown saying hopefully we'll have something in the next couple of days. folks, it's midnight on friday night, so, yeah. three days left. while minority leader senator chuck schumer is saying americans should breathe a huge sigh of rief now that the wall does off the table. president trump leading with his brand-new secretary of agriculture, sunny purdue at this hour, and he's bringing along farmers to the white house. first time farmers have been invited inside the oval office
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in the white house since ronald reagan. a breadbasket lake a trade deal with canada. we're going to bring all of it to you live. our fox news reporters are stationed in all key locations and house budget committee member congressman jim here live to give us the inside scoop on the deliberations to avoid a shutdown and trump's tax plan. we're less than an hour to the closing bell. let's start the countdown. ♪ ♪ . liz: breaking news. we may very well see multiple all-time highs in this hour. first to the nasdaq. it's towering to and then a milestone 46 years in the making. look at this. the index crossing a marker after a two-day run adding well over 100 points to the index, right now the nasdaq is up 46 points. by contrast to give you a little context here, it took the dow more than a century to hit 6,000.
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115 nasdaq-listed companies hitting new highs today as we see the index stay 30 points above 6,000 right now. to the russell 2,000, the small but mighty index is also trading at a all-time high here it's up 16 points at the moment. it just basically shows that there's this clear indication that small and mid-caps are very much part of the breath and depth of this rally, not just the big stocks. so to the dow, the dow reclaiming that 21,000 mark once again, on pace for their first back-to-back gains of more than 1% since election day. we do have the s&p 500 up about two-thirds of a percent or 15 points rht now. i'm going to keep watching the dow here, eight points above 21,000. now, let's start at the white house where president donald trump just wrapped up his meeting with treasury secretary steven mnuchin in the oval office a short while ago. this was a private meeting taking place on the eve of the major tax plan roll out. however, mnuchin might be pulling an all-nighter ahead
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of this rollout. the treasury secretary reportedly expected to also meet with the nec director, national economic chair here gary cone, speaker paul ryan, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and other key players on tax legislation. now, specific details of president trump's tax plan, they are still unknown. but here's what we know so far. the president wants to cut taxes. we knew that. here are the better things. simplifying the tax code, possibly to post guard sized returns. nothing -- no more 38 pages, and he wants to slash corporate tax rates from 35% to 15%. that came out yesterday. but let us get to fox business adam shapiro just out of sean spicer's white house press briefing room adding any further details on what to expect? >> no. a lot of this has been what we heard from the president on the campaign trail, his desire for a corporate tax rate for small and big business of 15% and a middle class tax cut. but the big roll out tomorrow of the broad principles that
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will be used to formulate the legislation, we're going to have to wait. but what we keep hearing from the treasury secretary who's been working since day one of this administration along with members of congress about a tax plan. what we keep hearing is that this will be an opportunity, the first we'vhad in 30 years to rm thtax code. but the treasury secretary keeps saying when people get concerned on capitol hill about potential deficits from the tax breaks that are being proposed, keep saying that growth will close that gap. but taxpayers for common sense put out a statement saying -- and i'm going to read you the statement. hog wash. growth is the magic pixie dust. policy makers grow a plan to make them appear fiscally sound, they aren't. so when we asked sean spicer about that and whether growth is going to be enough to appease the concerns of republicans on capitol hill who don't want a greater deficit or debt from the country, here's what mr. spicer said. >> wait until tomorrow. you can see the plan. but i think obviously, we've
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got to do everything we can to get economic growth going and job creation going. 's made tremendous hoed way on the regulatory front, and he's going to do everything he can on the tax front. we've talked about this before. if you look at the corporate side in particular, we have become largely uncompetitive because of our rates, and i think the more we can do to make our country, our businesses, our manufacturers in particular more competitive, that's good for american workers, it's good for our country, it's good for economic growth. >> liz, you mentioned a big meeting that's taking place on capitol hill with secretary mnuchin and gary cohn, as well as speaker of the house and finance committee chairman. this is a key meeting because while they're unified on some areas, they are not on others. but one area they are unified and people kind of chuckled but kevin brady, the house weighs and means committee chair, who was on a program recently that saidyes, we are going for a simplified tax code that most americans could do on something the size of a postcard. so there are some areas of unity. but where there's going to be
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areas of contention, it's over deficits and debt and spending. back to you. liz: three brackets is i think a little more plausible i think for america. it sure would be nice to get things at least cut down to that, adam. >> yeah. well, they're trying for that, and it's what the president promised, and this is a president who likes to remind people that he intends to keep his promises, so that's what we're waiting to see. liz: well, especially as we come up on the 100 days, we'll be watching. adam shapiro, after months of waiting to officially from the secretary of u.s. position, former georgia secretary was sworn in this morning. this as president trump meets with 15 farmers from around the country at the white house at this hour. now, we're going to see this because the president is set to sign the executive order promoting agricultural and rural prosperity in america. that's what its official name is. but let's get through the gobbledegook and find out exactly what that means for
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farmers. connell mcshane has the details. connell, i saw zippy was going to be there as well. he's a big player when it comes to usd a and farm workers. >> right. a lot of different issues coming together to make this executive order. the basically idea to cut through the gobbledegook, as you put it to help outhe agricultural business and give 180 days to report on the factors that are holding back farming, generally speaking in the united states. we have been told the goal will be to look at policy changes that might lead to things like economic development and job growth, infrastructure improvement, things like that. also, it gets rid of a white house rural counsel that was put together in the obama administration, which was supposed to be coordinating role policy. so that is out. this is in. now, big picture, what issues may be holding back farming? what might then talking about? well, after what we've been watching here in washington today, certainly one has to be trade; right? there's more food grown in this country than we can eat, so exporting that food to other countries
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is a big time economic opportunity for these farmers and that issue. it came up just last hour briefing room and they're talking specifically about capitalism. >> they're prohibiting u.s. diary from selling products in canada and the practical matter, and we're looking into whether there are measures we can do to try to correct that. >> all right. so that's one part of it with trade, certainly i would think with mexico as well that's an issue for these farmers. and immigration policy is another issue that you would think would be talked about as well that works its way into farming. but the bottom line in terms of today, what's actually happening today at this very hour at the white house, task force, give them 180 days, come back with a plan to help the farmers. we'll see what they come up with. liz, back to you. li i'll tell you something. i love our farmers, but i'm just playing devils advocate here because i've heard people
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say this. that we must stop or at least slow down on funding or giving incentives to last millenniums industries. but we all have to eat. >> the argument of coal same issue with a different industry. liz: connell, thank you very much. monday was france, today, it's the u.s. american made is driving the markets today. let me get to the new york stock exchange where lori rothman is standing by and really, we're talking about a sense of americana pervading the floor down at the stock exchange. >> we do. and i'll show them to you in just a moment. but as you know, the market just jumped up 20, 30 points just in the last couple of minutes. somebody walked by our post and said this market is too emotional, this is short covering, people have been wishy washy, mostly to the upside and now that the economic policy is getting contraction with the tax plan about to be announced, a lot of these shorts are getting a little bit nervous here, so that's likely what is to
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account for the last couple of points dow added on 253, 21,017. but the quote from peter, the rally has got americana written all over it. solid earnings from mcdonald's, caterpillar, dupont giving extra weight, given that they are hard-core american industry. these earnings in particular justifying the post election trump rally and recent weeks and today incled. that's for sure, according to my oth sources here on the floor. so the dow and the s&p 50-day moving average yesterday, of course building on that first back-to-back 1% gains since after election, two trading days after election. and basically, this is important because moving averages gives traders and investors a general sense of the direction, the trends of the benchmark averages. well, now as you can see from these charts, we're seeing a distinctly different path for the market. so the bulls are really setting in. back to you. liz: thank you, lori.
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and, again, dupont up 3.5% right now. all of these companies, it's really fascinating to see the dow charging ahead like this, and we are just ten points off session highs for the dow jones industrials. the number to hit, 260 and right now we're at 21,014 points with a 250-point gain. closing bell, we are ringing in 48 minutes. she was one of the most powerful business leaders in silicon valley. but then more recently, marisa meyer was on fortune's most disappointing leaders list. but the ceo is probably anything but disappointed today with the cash pile she will walk away with after selling off the one time tech heavy weight. we'll tell you how much. and president trump's backing away from the wall for now. and at least temporarily. will his flexibility help avoid a government shut down at the end of t week. help budget committee member
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jim tells us that we're close to a deal and what he sees ahead of the president's tax reform announcement. countdown coming right back. dow is up 258
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it's a waste of money and ineffective. especially at the same time we're cutting valuable programs like meals on wheels and the eta. i can't imagine one democratic voter, as much as we want to keep the government -- or one democratic member as much as we want to keep the government funded, we're not going to suddenly compromise our principles just because we're being held hostage. liz: i would say that's a "no" on the border wall. a definite "no." democratic house budget member of pennsylvania made it very clear on countdown yesterday that funding a border wall is a nonstarter with his party and the president appears to be listening. ohio republican jim sits on the house budget committee as well, representative, welcome to the show. thank you for being here. >> good afternoon, liz, how are you? . liz: very well. you and congressman boil have strikingly similar backgrounds. you both hail from working class families, you're both from pennsylvania, you both were the first in your family to graduate from college, both at ivy league. i'm guessing you're for the wall but would you fight to
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fund it now even if it means a government shut down this weekend? >> well, look, first off, we have to remember that the wall was approved in a 2006 republican and democrat border. so that has already been approved. it's something we have to fund at some point. and i think what we really need to do is work with the president to make sure -- because there are many people back home in my district in ohio that are now saying they're concerned about the security, and they want to see that border fence. of course, nobody wants to pay for it, which is always the problem, and i think we need to be able to work together to get this done, and we have to work with the president to eventually get this done. this was one of his signature priorities. liz: well, to the president, it's obvious the border wall awas a poison hill for democrats but did it surprise you that last night president trump signaled to get a budget deal done before the government shuts down saturday, he would drop the border wall funding for now? >> well, look, president trump's a businessman like i am. he's going to compromise and get things done and move things forward, so i understand why he's saying that. in the end, he's going to want
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to get this done. but i think he's willing to work with congress to get things accomplished. but i think that means eventually getting some of his priorities done as well, which thisorder fence is important to him. liz: but does his comment last night lower the odds today that we'll see a government shut down saturday? >> yeah, i do believe that he's making that suggestion. he does not want to see a shutdown. nobody wants to see a shutdown. i think the president wants to see us move forward, which means we'll have a short-term funding, which, again, is a little ridiculous for me because i've been here now six years. we do too many of these short-term funding situations. but at som at some point in time, we have to stop. liz: yeah, american people would love that too, representative. let me get to tax reform. they would really like to see that as well. the president would like to get some points on the board before the 100-day marker, which is saturday. do you feel pressure to get something out there?
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i know steve mnuchin and gary cohn are working on it at this hour. but from your standpoint, are you feeling any push and shove to at least get anything out there? or recollect real support. >> well, look, i've seen pressure on lowering rates for the last couple of years, that's why i spent almost a year building my own tax model and building my own tax plan. liz: have they asked you for your opinion and your plan and your model? >> the administration has talked to me about my model, so that was good. they're looking at everything, which is important. and i think in the end, we have to lower rates, we have to make the united states very competitive. we should make the united states the most competitive place to do business, which my model does. but, again, i think whatever we do, and i'm happy to see thpresident working on this, we have to bring these rates down so that businesses can thrive here in this country. liz: does your model throw caution to the wind about the deficit? it seems right now that the administration is sending out butterflies, if you will, of
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messages saying, well, let's not think about the deficit, growth that will come from the tax cuts will magically create tax revenue. inferior a lot of people questioning that, even people on your side of the aisle. >> well, my model doesn't, but as a businessman, first, you price your product at something that is competitive. our tax rate does not make the united states competitive. liz: absolutely true. >> i know what the president wants to do. he wants to reduce the rates to make the united states competitive at the same time in a business world, which i was in for 30 years, you turn around, and you reduce your expenses, and i think what the president is going to be saying is "we need to get these rates down. at the same time, we need to look at our spending and bring our spending down. and we'll get some growth out of the economy by bringing these rates down. so i don't see him just believing everything's going to be coming from lowering rates. i see him doing what a businessman would do, which is let's get our -- let's make our rate competitive, and then let's turn around and get our expenses in lane. i think that's the direction
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he wants to go as well. liz: did you know you have that much in common with congressman boil? it's pretty incredible to see the similarities between you two. >> i believe of. i've met him a number of time. ere's a lot of good people on both sides of the aisle here and a lot of similarities. the thing we have to do is work together. all problems aren't republican and democrat. our problems are american problems, and we have to start working for the american people, and that's what's important to me. liz: we agree. we agree, congressman. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, liz . liz: representative jim from the great state of ohio. go indians. don't tell me you're a reds fan. >> no. i'm an indians fan. liz: oh, good. good. [laughter] thanks so much, congressman. closing bell ringing in 38 minutes. yes, the indians are going to do it this year. the dow 30 heat map is certainly doing it, climbing into the green for the most part it's verizon, coke, and general electric that just can't seem to pull up the
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rear. they are the three laggers in ll lynch downgrading ge to neutral from buy with a price target of $31. right now ge's almost there $29.46. china about to tumble like a "house of cards" for netflix. variety reporting the online streaming giant inking a deal to get a foot hold in china through a deal with a course of the subsidy in the chinese company. turns undisclosed but investors are disclosing love for this deal. netflix among the top gainers on the nascar up six full percentage points. coming up next, a grand slam offer for the miami marlins, courtesy of one ofaseball's greatest of all time. plus business partr a foer presidential candidate new details you'll only hear on fox business. this team's chances far win in the on going bidding war. charlie breaks it next on countdown. dow's up 259
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time's up, insufficient we're on prenatal and administrative paperwork... your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs,
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wipe that smile off your face. we're coming for you, too. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done.
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liz: breaking news. we want to take to you north carolina. these are live pictures of dale earnhardt, jr., after 18 seasons behind the wheel, more than 600 races under his belt, 26 of those he actually won, is announcing his retirement from nascar. he started in 1999. voted by fans nascar's most popular driver for a record 14 years in a row. he won two daytona 500 championships. qualified for the nascar playoffs, eight times. he has driven for hendrick motorsports since 2008. owner rick hendrick joining him at today's news conference. pretty young to retire. i would too with all those successes. more sports news. we could have a winner for the bidding war tore the miami marlins. as fixes about reported, derek
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jeter, jeb bush and romney family showed interest. we now know the preferred bidder for for the team. this guy has been breaking every moment. >> i can tell you my information is as good yesterday, early today. who knows, maybe the contract got signed. i don't think it has but here is what we know, the preferred bidder for the marlins, the only baseball team for sale is the team of jeb bush and derek jeter, all-star yankees shortstop and former florida governor. from one of the great political families in country. they teamed together. they have been told by marlins management they're the preferred bidder y are we hedging this? other networks are saying it's a done deal. like, you're about to buy a house and you like the house but you have to sign the papers, it hasn't been closed yet. that is where we are right now. one of the sticking points here
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is that major league baseball wants a cash bid. their bid on this, the winning bid, preferred winning bid is somewhere around $1.2 billion. that doesn't mean it will not go a little higher. major league baseball wants mostly cash here. that is the rub. they're going out talking to investors to try to get in cash, more cash for this deal. here is another rub, in the interim while this thing is not totally closed we have other potential bidders still trying to break into the process. we understand the romney family led by tag romney, mitt romney's son who run as private equity firm out of boston. he is still interested and still pushing. that doesn't mean he is going to get in. there is some daylight before this thing gets finalized. so he is trying to make his mark. here is what we do know, that they, that jeb, jeb bush team with derek jeter and if this thing gets finalized it will be
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a pretty amazing story. they are preferred bidders to buy the marlins. they are essentially competing -- jeb bush will be the political muscle here but derek jeter will be competing against his old team, the yankees if he wins this. that is pretty amazing story of itself. not a done deal until it's a done deal. we're going with, other people say we won. liz: i can see the headline, jeb and jeter. >> by the way it might not get announced for couple weeks. the reason why they have to line up the financing. listen, what we've asked the marlins for a statement. they haven't put out a statement yet. they may come out with a statement, saying somewhat, they are the preferred bidders, as looking at financing, what i've been told, i've been told pretty clearly, i can't imagine that they're going to screw over the bush family of florida. jeb bush was the former governor. that is not smart.
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liz: they know from baseball george w. bush owned -- >> he owned stuff. liz: the texas -- >> i would say the texas rangers right. liz: you know, i'm dodger so, dodgers and indians. >> didn't you think that was a hockey team, the texas rangers? liz: no the new york rangers, dumb dumb. >> throwing that at you. you get me on grammar. i get you on sports. liz: not very often. we have breaking news. you may want to stick around on this. >> okay. liz: president trump meeting with farmers in the roosevelt room of the white house, signing what is called the agriculture and rural prosperity executive order, which is a tax force puts together a 180 day review, in essence look at regulations and policies and legislation that unnecessarily hinder the agriculture sector. so let's listen in as we see him sit down with sonny perdue, the new secretary of agriculture and farmers.
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>> we're doing well, very well. things are turning around. i know r turning around for you folks. i want to welcome you very much to the white house. a special place. america's farmers and ranchers. i especially want to congratulate secretary now, i can say secretary sonny perdue, who was just sworn in as the secretary of agriculture. [applause] sworn in by justice thomas and he was, it was a beautiful ceremony. we're going to celebrate a little bit later. and it's great. we're very happy. had a good vote too. >> yes, sir. >> didn't have one of those 51-49. he had a very big vote. thank justice thomas, great man, great person. we appreciate it. america's noble farming tradition stretches back to its earliest days.
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farmers led the way across the great plains and put down roots from coast to coast. today's america's farmers feed not only our nation but millions of people around the world. we'll open that up much more for you folks. as you know it is not totally open, we learned that yesterday frankly with canada, dairy farmers in wisconsin, upstate new york, different places, a lot of border state in particular are not able to sell their dairy products into canada. this has been going on for a while. we're not going to put up with. it. separately we put a very big tax, we'll be putting a very big tariff on up -- lumber, timber coming into this country. people don't realize canada has been rough on the united states. everybody thinks canada as wonderful, i love canada but they have outsmarted our politicians for many years. you people understand that. so we did institute a very big tariff. we announced it yesterday.
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we're going to take care of our dairy farmers in wisconsin and upstate new york and lots of other places. so i think you people all probably agree with that, right? would you agree with that? you better believe it. our farmers deserve a government that serves their interests and empowers them to do the hard work they love to do so much. that is what today's executive order is all about. with this order i'm directing secretary perdue to work with other members of my cabinet to identify and eliminate unnecessary regulations that hurt our nation's farmers and rural communities. now, sonny, i already signed a lot of regulations and terminations that really help the farmer a lot. you know what i'm talking about. we have some left, you will identify them. we've really gotten rid of some of the biggest ones. that was a big help, right? you're already, they won't tell you about it but they are big numbers. it will mean a lot to the farmers.
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this order also establishes the interagency task force on agriculture and rural prosperity to be led by secretary perdue. i just want toell you it is an honor to be with you because among many other things with this order we continue a very relentless effort to make life better for hard-working americans, farmers, all the people gathered around this table, including our ranchers, our rural community folks. we're having a very, very big impact. it is already started. sonny will now identify additional areas where we get rid of regulations and you will be so prosperous and hire more people than currently work for you. that will make me very happy, okay. i want to thank you very much. so can we have the executive order please?
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this is promoting agriculture and rural prosperity in america. there is a lot of words, i won't bother reading everything. agriculture and rural prosperity in america. that is what we want. we don't want to be taken advantage of by other countries and that is stopping. that is stopping fast. thank you. perhaps i should give this pen to sonny perdue, what do you think? [applause] thank you very much, everybody. reporter: mr. president, do you fear a trade war with canada? do you fear a trade war with canada, sir?
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>> no, not at all. reporter: why not? >> they have a tremendous trade surplus. i have no fear. virtually every country has massive surplus with the united states. when we're the country with the deficits we have no fear. reporter: what is your honest opinion, sir, of the 100ay rk? >> say it? reporter: funding the government -- >> wall will get built, in case anybody has any question, the wall is going to get built and the wall is going to stop drugs and stop a lot of people coming in that shouldn't be here. it will have a huge effect on human trafficking, which is a tremendous problem in this world, a problem that nobody talks about, but it's a problem that is probably worse than anytime in the history of this world. human trafficking, what is going on, the wall, is going to get built. we're setting record numbers in terms of stopping people from coming in and stopping drugs from coming in. you see the numbers are down 73,4% -- 74%. secretary kelly, formerly
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general kelly is doing an incredible job. i was with him a little while ago, we definitely, desperately need the wall. and we're going to have the wall built. i don't know what people are talking. i watch the shows and pundits in the morning. i don't know what people are talking about. the wall gets built. reporter: when, sir? when, mr. president? when will the wall get built? when will the wall get built. >> soon. reporter: soon. >> we're already preparing, doing plans, doing specifications on the wall and the wall gets built. reporter: in your first term? in your first term. >> the wall is very, very important. reporter: in your first term? >> yeah. sure. reporter: in your first term. >> we have plenty of time. reporter: thank you, mr. president. liz: president trump ending on the border wall, saying it will get built. just didn't exactly say when. but he very forcefully said, don't think it is not going to happen. it will stop drugs and it will get built.
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he also said this, he does not fear a trade war with canada, because canada has a huge surplus with us. he is tired of many countries having a surplus and the u.s. having a deficit when it comes to trade. canada icalling e tariff quote, unfair and punitive, but the commerce department and u.s. international trade commission have yet to approve the penalty. right now we're hearing, jeff flock, it could be 20% tariff on all-in coming softwood lumber. so, how does this impact both sides of that border to the north? reporter: depending which province, between five and 24% would be the tariff. the way it works up in there in canned is that the provinces own the forest land and what we're saying, the trump administration is saying, is that they're getting a break, the loggers are getting a break-up there and not paying full market price like they do here in the u.s. it is competitive here in the u.s. wilbur ross, somewhat unprecedented came out in the briefing today, the white house
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briefing, addressed all the questions about the lumber issue. he also said we got to get nafta he renetted sooner rather than later. wilbur ross. -- reflected. >> if nafta were functioning properly, you wouldn't have these prickly, unfortunate developments back-to-back. in that sense it shows nafta has not worked as well as it should. reporter: what he is saying in terms of back-to-back, liz, he is talking about the dairy thing which has not been addressed either. canadians cutting off the canadian market to u.s. dairymen. there you go. back to the lumber, a lot of lumber, if you go to home depot this weaken and buy a two-by-four, pretty good ces, maybe one in th that it will be from canada. canada now has about 31% of the u.s. timber market. and that's, you know, a huge amount. it is many billions of dollars
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which is a trade deficit right now. who is the loser in this in addition to canada? maybe the national association of homebuilders. the na hb president coming out today with very strong criticism of the president's action. he said, na hb is deeply disappointed in what he called a short-term action. it will do nothing to resolve the issues of the u.s.-canadian lumber trade dispute but will negatively harm american consumers and housing affordability. and the homebuilders today, in terms of stocks, they didn't do very well. if you look at them, most all in a day when the market did very well, homebuilders all of them down. they had done a study sometime ago on 15% tariff, we are talking about a 20% tariff, it said home prices would go up about 4%. maybe not a whole lot. homebuilders don't like that. they say it would cut down on construction. one final thing to leave you with, liz, this is an interesting point, canadian
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lumber stocks you would expect them to be down today, wouldn't you? not only lumber futures traded here in chicago at the cme, they were limit down but the canadian lumber stocks were up. why? because they expected this to be even worse. they thought the trump administration would do even more harm to them than they did which is an interesting point. hadn't thought of that, but that is the way the market reacted today. liz: canadn touris are also losers. the loony, known as the canadian dollar, the loony is crushed against the u.s. dollar. the u.s. dollar hit highest level in a year. right now 73 cents, there you go. reporter: who would have thought canada, huh? wow. liz: jeff flock. much more on the developing trade spat with canada on "lou dobbs tonight." lou has commerce secretary it wilbur ross. he candying down into many details of this. i don't know if you saw wilbur
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ross during the news conference, this is not again you flecking, he was funny like shecky greene. this man knows business. watch "lou dobbs tonight." 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. markets hanging around session. right now, the dow 21,016 points. the nasdaq is 31 points above 6,000. that is all-time high on the russell. we're headed next to for the floor show. don't go away look closely. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that
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$186 million, after the sale of coreiness to verizon for $4.5 billion. it comes after tumultuous five years after a mayer's failure to comprehend ors loss of her 2016 cash bonus and 2017 equity awards. she was forced to accept $350 million less in that deal to sell that chunk of yahoo! to verizon. yahoo! shareholders are set to vote on that deal in a special meeting june 8th. but shares of yahoo! hitting new multiyear highs today, currently up 2 of a rcent, hitting $48, 44 cents. the whole market is surging at this moment in part because half an hour ago we started to see a lot of short-covering. this rally was so strong and it held and holding near session highs, a lot of short sellers had to cover their bets. wall street still a little jittery. what are traders saying. what are they watching
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specifically that would signal a turnaround and markets could cause a correction? get right to the floor show, new york stock exchange. teddy weisberg, i want to say something about the transport. the transports are not coming along for the ride. is there something we should see the beneath the covers there or just ryder missed? >> i think it's a sector weakness. on balance, rising tide has been floating a lot of ships, liz, the last two days. you just mentioned it. i think they got the bears flat-footed here. and i don't know if it is the last hour they have been covering but i think it started yesterday. it continues today. the lines of leastesistance are still up, not down. liz: but the market correction you say would come from something president trump did or didn't do? >> you know he, you know, we're just guessing. but i would -- liz: of course. >> i would say -- liz: that is what traders do. >> come on, teddy, you know why. liz: elliot.
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elliot throwing some smack here. >> sorry. >> elliot? >> i'm sorry, i didn't know he was on, i think it is france. le pen loss, everybody is spending money. that is my guess, teddy, i'm sorry. >> the market will keep going up until all you bears throw the towel in. that is when you sell them. liz: actually elliot is pretty much a bull. would you not expect to see a correction here? >> no, no, i say buy them. i was on last week saying buy them. now we're making new highs, so. liz: he is all good. so what but, larry? larry formulate some theories about what would cause a correction. what signal would you see? >> one i always looked at, the ten year treasury rate. smart money is not trading the stock market. they're moving money through treasuries. we don't need to look at it day-to-day, the general
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direction at beginning of the year, the biggest risk to the market is falling u.s. rates. if they fall especially below 2%, 1 and 3/4, that is signaling strong forces in the market, lack of global productivity, lack of inflation, elevated savings, et cetera, are basically coming back to bite us. that is something i look at. liz: teddy, here at these levels would you be a buyer, or too rich, too expensive. >> it is always difficult when you have markets that go up in a straight line but i think any selloff has been a buying opportunity. clearly there is an event out there. we always get corrections. unfortunately they don't ring a bell. they won't tell us what it is. any market dip proves to be buyingppornity. in ft you go back to march of 20. that has been the case. i think the market loves what they see. the election was an absolute became changer.
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sure there is a black swan event out there somewhere. liz: always. >> unfortunately they will not tell us what it is. liz: we got to get to the person who can tell us one of these days. teddy thank you. larry, elliot, thanks. we're just straddling the 21,000 level with seven minutes to go before the closing bell rings. the markets caught a beautiful wave today. there is one group of stocks that the 4 billion-dollar man, andy burch says not only can hang 10 but could double in the next five years. stick around to find out what that sector is. whether you should get out. ♪
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this following the nasty e.coli outbreak that sent the stock tumbling. chipotle and at&t reporting after the bell. let me go to lori rothman. people will focus on that. but we can not forget u.s. steel. they are coming out and iconic. reporter: this is busiest week for reporting, liz. everybody will listen for chipotle how the turnaround plan is progresses from the outbreak a year ago. i'm quite fascinated with at&t. as you know they bought time warner for 800 plus billion dollars. you have a content company, streaming company, along with a wireless company. at&t is expected to report ref you knew increase of over 2.5%. it will be interesting to see if people sign up for the direct tv, streaming content. the subscribers. key metric subscribers on directv. back to you. liz: if they see regulatory
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approval for that at&t-time warner deal. dying to see that. lori, thank you very much. david and melissa have all the numbers and all the juicy details. as president trump gets ready to mark his first 100 days in office, ubs released an investor sentiment report this morning t states more than 60% of investors feel confident about the markets and the economy. 5%, listen carefully, are looking to deploy cash once the administration comes through on key initiatives. one of "barron's" top 50 financial advise force in the nation, is andy burch. he is live from madison, wisconsin. andy, there is the caveat. when these things come through, when they become reality, but until then, what are you advising your client to buy or to do? >> good afternoon, liz. thank you for having me on your show. i think that the economy is going to be improving and gradually interest rates work
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higher with banking. banking sector has a long way to go. banks have been a poor performing asset class for the last decade. with higher interest rates and a growing economy, banks are trading barely around book value. so historically trade 1 1/2 to two times book value. as book value is growing, they deplore more capital to investors banks can go much higher as well as insurance companies. european financials are just as attractive as am europe i think next three or four years will outperform the u.s. liz: you're scaring me. italian banks are a little more trouble. so which countries? >> look at germ any and france leading europe. but what you're going to find that europe sort at thatting to grow again. this is the widest discount from u.s. stocks and european stocks in the last 20 years. liz: gotcha. >> person should harvest gains
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from the u.s. and put 20, to 30% in european stocks right now. liz: good advi. we have two solid days of two major gains from the dow jones industrials. [closing bell rings] the dow appears to close, we have to let it settle at 21,005 points this is historic moment for the nasdaq. david, melissa, russell too. melissa: dow surging at the close, up 250 points. about 232. add that to the rally we saw yesterday. we have the first back-to-back gains more than 1% since election day. take a look, other major averages announcing closing at record high above six thousand thousand -- 6,000 first time ever. david: what a terrific day. i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." we have you covered on all the big market movers but here is what else we have for you at this hour. tax reform that is what is moving markets as it takes shape in the white house. president and his team hold key


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